Arena Berlin

OpenSpace – Transporting the open-source universe from a research lab into planetarium
Alex Bock (Linköping University)

OpenSpace – Transporting the open-source universe from a research lab into planetarium

Alex Bock (Linköping University)

Presentation theme: fulldome

OpenSpace is an open-source platform designed to visualize the entire known universe. It is built to be an environment for visualization research, a research tool for astronomers and astrophysicists, and an ecosystem for the public dissemination of human knowledge of space at the same time. This paradigm enables the rapid deployment of research results to the general public without the need of format conversions when transitioning from a »research software« to a »presentation software« or additional learning curves when learning new softwares for just a presentation. It thus enables a short-circuiting of the knowledge dissemination pipeline by lowering the barrier for domain experts to present their findings to the public instantly. This talk will motivate this capability of the software and highlight a few ongoing research projects and how they have been transferred from labs to live interactive planetarium shows.

Image © Arena Berlin


Alex Bock (Linköping University) | 12 min


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Room: Procyon (dome)
IPS 2024 Map Procyon (dome)


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