Turning the Universe into Sound for Immersive and Inclusive Planetarium Experiences
Chris Harrison (Newcastle University)
Turning the Universe into Sound for Immersive and Inclusive Planetarium Experiences
Chris Harrison (Newcastle University)
Presentation theme: inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility
Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System is an audio-visual show for planetariums, designed in collaboration with members of the blind and vision impaired (BVI) community, BVI specialist teachers and their pupils. It aims to be suitable for audiences with all sight levels, by representing key data and concepts through sound (sonification), and using a carefully constructed narration. I will present results from 291 audience evaluations. These results show a high level of appreciation from BVI and non-BVI audiences, with ~90% scoring 4 or 5 (out of 5) for both how useful and how enjoyable the sounds are. I will also present results from surveying planetariums and communication leaders known to have downloaded the show. There has been international success for special events with the show, for BVI audiences and those with other special educational needs and disabilities (including sensory needs and learning difficulties). Feedback suggests this is due to its multi-sensory, clearly narrated, and calm production. However, we also describe limitations identified during this evaluation exercise, including reasons for the show’s more limited use as part of regular (non-special) planetarium programmes. I will finish by describing how we aim to address the identified limitations, in part, by taking steps to provide a sonification »toolkit« to enable planetariums to produce their own sonifications from a large database of astronomical objects for use during live shows. The conference will be an excellent opportunity to discuss these ideas with members of the international planetarium community.

Chris Harrison (Newcastle University) | 12 min