Sponsor presentations Arena
Polaris (main stage)
Sponsor presentations Arena
Polaris (main stage)
Monday, 22 July:
6:15 - 6:40 pm | Sky-Skan |
6:43 - 7:00 pm | RSA COSMOS / KONICA MINOLTA |
7:01 - 7:16 pm | GOTO, Inc. GOTO INC, founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1926, has strived on the path of stars and technologies for nearly 100 years. As a company who cherishes the concept of »detailed and beautiful starry sky with academically correctly designed stars«, we want to share our newest achievements in domes, including optical projectors with hybrid system, shows and planetarium management services. |
7:19 - 7:24 pm | SONY: Sony VPL-GTZ380: The Ultimate Projector Solution for Planetariums Description: Discover why this Sony flagship projector is the reference standard for planetariums worldwide. |
7:27 - 7:32 pm | project: syntropy |
Image © Antonia Max Meyer