Live Theatre under the Dome: Expanding the planetarium paradigm
John Keller, Sadie Bowman, Ricky Coates, Nick Conant, Carla Johns, Rebecca Sophia Strong, Amanda Wimmer-Flint
Live Theatre under the Dome: Expanding the planetarium paradigm
John Keller, Sadie Bowman, Ricky Coates, Nick Conant, Carla Johns, Rebecca Sophia Strong, Amanda Wimmer-Flint (Fiske Planetarium, Matheatre, Cosmogenesis: The Story of Us (USA))
Presentation themes: fulldome; PR for planetairums
Over the past decade, Fiske Planetarium has explored the integration of live theatre into the full dome immersive space of the planetarium. Productions have included »Vera Rubin: Bringing the Dark to Light« in a 2016 collaboration with the Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company and »Voyagers! A Musical Grand Tour of the Solar System« in a 2020 collaboration with Matheatre. In these cases, the full dome environment has been used to provide an interactive digitally immersive theatre set for live performers to act, sing, and dance. Since the premiere of Voyagers! in 2021, Matheatre has performed the production in other planetariums in the US and would like to bring the performance to international full dome theaters. Fiske is also currently working with local artists on the development of a live full dome performance titled »Cosmogenesis: The Story of Us«, which provides perspective on the origin and evolution of the cosmos through the thoughts, words, and actions of a group of university students trying to make sense of humanity.
Panelists will speak to the development, production, and promotion of Voyagers! and Cosmogenesis. A unique question that will be explored involves marketing and promotion of live theatre within the non-traditional space of the planetarium.
Image © Arena Berlin
John Keller, Sadie Bowman, Ricky Coates, Nick Conant, Carla Johns, Rebecca Sophia Strong, Amanda Wimmer-Flint (Fiske Planetarium, Matheatre, Cosmogenesis: The Story of Us (USA)) | Poster available to view all week | 60 min