Fulldome Festival Jena

Fulldome Festival Jena
Frameless Forum Panel 2


Fulldome Festival Jena

Frameless Forum Panel 2

The panel engages committed individuals from the Planetarium and Immersive Media scene in moderated conversations. Panelists are invited to introduce themselves with a sample of their work followed by panel discussion.

All the dome‘s a stage!

Moderated by Ruth Coalson  

Some call the Planetarium a Star theatre. What happens when the “real” theatre occupies the Planetarium? Exploring strategies of making immersion awesome, popular and profitable.


  • Kate McCallum
    She co-founded Vortex Immersion in LA and continues to ctreate and poroduce art of the immersive kind. Currently she is involved in »Her mind’s Eye« a fulldome film on the mystic nun Hildegard von Bingen:
    Her mind’s Eye. Hildegard von Bingen Fulldome Project
  • Tobias Staab
    He directed Autonomous Avatars Dance Performance choreographing real dancers in the real dome.
  • Markus Beyr
    Immersive Themes and Attractions. Marcus‘ expertise is in creating immersive attractions, like the Immersium in Vienna. Immersive Themes and Attractions    
  • Liese Endler
    Gesamtkunstwerk Immersive Music Theatre. As a teacher and media artist Liese has been active in the struggle and rise of immersive theatre in Weimar and Jena and its promise for the future. Gesamtkunstwerk Immersive Music Theatre
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Markert
    Everyone wants to know this: can AI help creative people in their production needs. Michael has scrutinized and reports about available systems. Ai-Aided Design for Immersive Media 
  • Sergey Prokofyev
    Immersive Architecture. Sergey is an architect and award winning fulldome producer. He is involved in a number of immersive music theatre projects. Immersive Architecture


This program is also available via livestream.


  • En
Room: Planetarium


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