Zeiss-Großplanetarium: Asteroiden, Supernova | Image © SPB | Natalie Toczek

Concepts for the use of Game Engines in the dome
Cora Braun (Kiel University of Applied Sciences)

Concepts for the use of Game Engines in the dome

Cora Braun (Kiel University of Applied Sciences)

Presentation theme: fulldome

The integration of game engines such as Unity and Unreal into fulldome systems greatly expand the functionality of real-time systems. In the past, there have been repeated attempts to establish interaction between visitors and the planetarium system, but a big breakthrough for interactive show formats has yet to come. In addition to the technical implementation, the overall concept is crucial for the success of an interaction concept in the dome. This presentation introduces different prototypes to create an interactive planetarium experience for visitors, focusing on the interaction design for visitors and how these concepts can possibly find their way into everyday life at the planetarium. The prototypes are based on Unity or Unreal and most projects use additional room-scale Virtual Reality Technology. All concepts were developed by students at Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

Cora Braun (Kiel University of Applied Sciences)


Cora Braun (Kiel University of Applied Sciences) | 12 min


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Room: Planetarium


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