Blender as a Tool for Fulldome Astrovisualization
Ron Proctor (NSF’s NOIRLab)
Blender as a Tool for Fulldome Astrovisualization
Ron Proctor (NSF’s NOIRLab)
Presentation theme: fulldome
Fulldome astrovisualization has emerged as a powerful means of conveying complex astronomical concepts to audiences in an immersive and engaging manner. This presentation explores the use of Blender, an open-source 3D content creation suite, as a powerful and fast tool for fulldome astrovisualization. This talk reflects on the achievements, challenges, and future potential of using Blender as a transformative tool for immersive cosmic exploration.
Leveraging Blender's advanced rendering capabilities, the nimble system allows for the creation of realistic celestial bodies, intricate orbital dynamics, and visually captivating cosmic events. Furthermore, Blender's scripting and automation functionalities facilitate the development of interactive and dynamic fulldome experiences, enhancing audience engagement.
The talk highlights Blender's flexibility in accommodating diverse data formats and its user-friendly interface, making it accessible for astronomers and educators. Through case studies, we showcase Blender's effectiveness in conveying complex astrophysical concepts and reflect on its use in education.
Image © Arena Berlin
Ron Proctor (NSF’s NOIRLab) | 12 min